Audinate Give Away Software For Free

Looking to use Dante Via or Dante Virtual Soundcard (DVS) then Audinate have something for you!

You see right now, Audinate have a free to enter competition where you can vin Dante software.

You get entries into the competition by simply doing things like following them on Twitter, Facebook etc. Simple to do and once you have done it Audinate will send you a link in an email that will allow you to share the competition. If anyone enters it via your link, you get another free entry to win!

Here’s my link…

Simply click on that and enter then you can get your link to share.

Nice idea Audinate and, as a user of both Dante Virtual Soundcard and Dante Via; I can only say that both of these Audinate software packages are excellent.

Go ahead, click on the link and join in with the free to enter Audinate software give away…

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